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WTTC launches protocol aimed at the M&I sector

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28 May'20

WTTC launches protocol aimed at the M&I sector

With the objective of leading the definition of the best practices in the sector, as travel and tourism come out of the crisis, placing the health, safety of travelers and the Travel and Tourism workforce at the center of the development of global protocols, World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) produced the LEADING GLOBAL PROTOCOLS FOR THE NEW NORMAL protocol.

The purpose of this protocol is to ensure consistenc through a coordinated, collaborative and transparent approach, supported by scientific results, in the travel and tourism sector, as well as with governments and public health authorities.
Share consistent, results-oriented protocols that are simple and practical for destinations and countries.
Rebuild travelers' trust through effective communication, making known the protocols implemented and the guarantees available to keep them safe.
Advocate for the implementation of enabling policies to support the recovery and regeneration of demand for the sector.

See the document here

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